Be Where Your Feet Are

6 min readMay 1, 2023
Person on a dirt road with a river to the left, jumping in the air clicking feet together.
Image credit: m01229 on Flickr

I love how life never seems to come at me linearly.

In the last few weeks, a lot of amazing things have been happening. Planning for fundraising events is coming together, connections to help a nonprofit get on its feet have been made; an initiative a group of us started is very close to launching; the podcast is evolving and I’m bringing a second one on; we’re wrapped up in the kids’ end of the year banquets, field trips, and award ceremonies; and my business is starting to take off. There is only one problem.

It is happening all at the same time.

I’ve been struggling to fall asleep with the checklists of “do-not-forgets”. I’m thanking some smart m’fers for the scheduling feature on my email and text. My squirrel brain never remembers during office hours, but it has zero problems remembering everyone I need to talk to at midnight.

All of this causes me to occasionally (okay, frequently) live in my head in some sad attempt to wrangle in the crack squirrel zooming around in my head and miss out on important parts of life.

A few days ago I read a story and it resonated hard with me and my current temporary chaos.

An English teacher was walking about a room, as her students were working in pairs on the class assignment. Two students tried to nonchalantly slide their math homework…




Hi! I am a Veteran, Mom, nurse, writer, educator, blogger, and podcaster. Here to share issues impacting military transition. (Which impacts civilians too.)