Cracking the Teamwork Code: Finding Humor in Unconventional Team Dynamics

4 min readJul 31, 2023
Four people (left to right: woman, man, woman, woman) in business casual holding signs. Woman #1 with “Go Getter” sign, Man with “The Omissioner” sign, Woman #2 with “The Panicker” sign, Woman #3 with “Catcher” sign.
Image credit: modified by author

A little humor always helps to decompress the soul and I need a little decompressing…so here we go.

I tend to be the person who somehow gets into the middle of things, even when I had no intention of doing so. Now, I am not talking about gossipy, drama-type of things. Too energy-consuming for me.

I’m talking about taking on things that I feel will help other people. If I think it will make life better or easier for people I’m all in. It is also this thought process that landed me organizing two major events a few weeks apart.

So, I’m a little tired and saucy right now.

My other character “trait”, that often does me in, is my idealism. When I start to pull the team together and we start planning the energy is positive, and everyone is excited for a great event.

And every time, my idealistic self gets a smack of reality.

I can only speak from my experience. I am sure other people have these fully functional A teams. I tend to get the Bad News Bears of teams. They are very nice, have good intentions, one or two that have it together, but it’s not enough to bring it home. It looks more like someone continuously tripping but never actually falling.




Hi! I am a Veteran, Mom, nurse, writer, educator, blogger, and podcaster. Here to share issues impacting military transition. (Which impacts civilians too.)