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How Many Gates Need To Be Renamed Before The Military Gets It?

Okay, it’s time for real talk.
This has to be one of the most disturbing headlines I saw this past week.
Fort Hood Soldier Found Dead After Telling Family About Sexual Harassment
Fort Hood…WTF!
Vanessa Guillen wasn’t enough? Nearly 3 years later and we have a repeat performance. A young soldier telling her family she was being sexually harassed is now dead.
Preliminary reports from Army CID said they do not suspect foul play. Well, yippee.
We must also eliminate harmful behaviors that undermine readiness. There is no place in our Army for sexual harassment and assault, domestic violence, extremism, or racism.
— HON Christine E. Wormuth, Secretary of the Army
These were Ms. Wormuth’s words in response to Vanessa Guillen’s murder. Ma’am, it looks like your branch has come up a little short. Blood is still on the Army’s hands.
As a female Veteran with an entire career behind me, I’ve experienced my fair share of harassment. If there is any glimmer of a silver lining, as an officer, my rank kept half the population at bay; and in my later years, I could go head-to-head with many more. This isn’t a braggadocious statement…it’s a fact.