What Makes A Military Mom Tick…

…And The Things They Won’t Tell You

5 min readMay 15, 2023


Image Credit: Maryland National Guard on Flickr

In honor of Mother’s Day in the US this past weekend, I wanted to take a moment and highlight military Moms.

Mothers come in all forms…biological Moms, nonbiological Moms, Moms that have adopted children, people that have adopted Moms, Moms of zero, two, or four-legged animals, work Moms, and Moms that seem to show up just when you need one.

Then there is the military Mom.

There are a few variations of these special creatures.

There are Moms that have children in the military. They worry every single day. However, they know it is futile to deter them from their dream of serving. Instead, they proudly tell people their child serves through conversation, t-shirts, hats, mugs, bags, and bumper stickers…and silently pray every day they are protected.

There are Moms of Veterans that anguish over their child that has been forever changed by trauma. Their child is the child that has seen and/or experienced things most people should never encounter. They fiercely fight to get every resource available to their child, in hopes of bringing back the son/daughter they once knew.

There are the Moms that are left behind to keep the home functioning. However, they are more than a homemaker…they…




Hi! I am a Veteran, Mom, nurse, writer, educator, blogger, and podcaster. Here to share issues impacting military transition. (Which impacts civilians too.)